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Green Garden Mama

King of the North Bell Pepper

King of the North Bell Pepper

Regular price $2.60 USD
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Heirloom from 1934. It is a challenge trying to grow fabulous peppers when you live in the north, with a cool and short season, but this variety is more suited to our shorter summer. The average size fruit is 6" x 4" with blocky, thick walls producing very well on a medium-size, multi-branching plant. 70 days. 

What you'll get:

A healthy seedling 6-8" tall, hardened off and ready for planting. 

Peppers are very sensitive to cold temperatures. Do not plant unless we are past all threat of frost. 

Peppers can root a bit above the soil line, so plant them just a little bit deeper than they are in their pots to encourage a robust root system that can help support your plant. 

Peppers have a stiff, somewhat brittle main stem. They can become top heavy once full of fruit, so providing some support is recommended. All peppers will begin green and mature to yellow, orange, red, or purple, depending on the variety. 

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