Collection: Potted Dahlias

A selection of our favorite dahlias, potted up and actively growing.

Potted plants will bloom earlier, and can involve less trouble shooting since they are planted just like any other plant in springtime. Planting dormant tubers can be a little trickier, as they must not be watered until they begin to show growth above the soil level. 

If you are a beginner in the world of dahlias, starting with a potted, growing plant can be much easier. Plant them at the same level or slightly deeper than they were growing in the nursery pot, and water well to establish. Be sure to wait until all threat of frost is passed, as these plants are not frost tolerant.

Dahlias are perennial, but not hardy to zone 6 without protection, so either plan to dig up your tubers in fall to save indoors, or treat them as annuals and buy fresh each year. 

Potted dahlia plants are only available for local pickup, and unfortunately cannot be shipped at this time.