Meet the Mama

Hi, I'm Carrie, a life-long grower and dirt enthusiast. 

I've been gardening since I was big enough to plant my own green bean seeds in my dad's backyard garden, and over the years my love for gardening has only grown.

When I learned that 80% of cut flowers sold in the US are imported, and that there is a growing collection of small farmers working to change that, I knew that this was a movement I wanted to be a part of.  

I believe in regenerative farming practices, growing flowers that restore the land and honor the seasons. My flower beds support bees, butterflies, and other pollinators, provide food for birds and other small wildlife, and help to replace flowers that are shipped in from overseas with an enormous carbon footprint. Not only that, but there are tons of flowers that are best purchased locally because they just don't travel well - like cosmos, zinnias, dahlias, and more. So by supporting my small farm, you will not only get to enjoy these beauties that can be hard to find elsewhere, but you're supporting the local ecosystem, too! 

In addition to growing thousands of flowers, I teach classes and workshops related to gardening and flower arranging, and offer garden consultations for folks who want to learn about how to design or care for their yard on a more personalized level.


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