CSA Subscriptions
What is a CSA, you ask?
It stands for Community Supported Agriculture, and is basically a subscription to our farm grown flowers! With one purchase, you get 4 or 5 weeks of our freshest seasonal flowers straight from our fields to your home.
Subscription options include:
- Winter Tulips - a subscription of tulips only, from our indoor forcing program. These flowers are available before the earliest blooms are ready outside, and bring a needed boost of cheer when we are all OVER this whole winter thing. A 4 week subscription.
- First Blooms - the earliest of blooms on the farm. You will find tulips, daffodils, muscari, allium, columbine, hellebore, bleeding heart, etc., depending on the spring weather. A 4 week subscription.
- Spring - a little later in spring, you may find ranunculus, anemone, peonies, tulips, lupine, foxglove, baptisia, and more. A 5 week subscription.
- Summer - the beginning of our summer annual flowers like zinnias, some of our favorite perennials, and usually the beginning of our dahlia season. A 5 week subscription.
- Fall - our flower beds are absolutely bursting at this point, so you can expect zinnias, dahlias, and anything else we can squeeze in! A 5 week subscription.
- Dahlias Only - just like it sounds, this option includes nothing but dahlias. Probably my favorite flower at the farm (but shhh, don't tell the other flowers!) A 5 week subscription.
Your CSA can be picked up from our porch in north Lombard, or delivery is available for an additional fee to some surrounding towns within 5 miles. If you aren't sure whether you are within this delivery zone, please email Carrie at thegreengardenmama@gmail.com to check before you order.
As always, these flowers are grown without chemical pesticides, herbicides, or synthetic fertilizers, but ARE grown with plenty of love and devotion.