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Green Garden Mama

Moon and Stars Watermelon

Moon and Stars Watermelon

Regular price $2.60 USD
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This 1910 Amish heirloom watermelon's rind is a deep green with yellow dots, some large (moons) and some tiny (stars), hence the name. Foliage is mottled as well. Fruit is quite large, at least 20lbs under common conditions. Its very sweet flavor, along with its unusual appearance, have given it a lot of notoriety in recent years. 105 days. 

Watermelon plants can grow up to 8 feet long, so give them plenty of room to spread. They can also be easily trained up a supportive trellis, but fruit is quite large and will need additional support. 

Look for the following signs as it does take some practice on telling when they are ready to harvest. The closet tendril to the stem dries, there is a crack in the stem that attaches the watermelon to the vine, where the watermelon touches the ground it should be a butter yellow color, give it a knock with your hands it should sound hollow, the skin is dull, and slipping of the stem from the melon with slight finger pressure.

Plant Moon and Stars Watermelon in fertile soil, amended with compost or well-rotted manure, and keep well watered. 

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