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Green Garden Mama

Blue Beauty Tomato

Blue Beauty Tomato

Regular price $2.60 USD
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These extraordinary blue almost black tomatoes will be some of the most unique varieties you have ever grown. They were developed with traditional selection and breeding techniques at Oregon State University, beginning in the 1960s from crossing cultivated tomatoes and wild species from Chile and the Galapagos Islands. Young fruits when exposed to sunlight have indigo-purple skin from the pigment Anthocyanin, naturally occurring in blueberries, which is a powerful and beneficial antioxidant. The fruits are ready to harvest when the skin turns bright rosy red on the bottom, shoulders are indigo shaded and the fruit is soft to the touch. Shoulders start out sapphire blue, darkening to a deep purple-red as they ripen. Abundant amounts of 6-8 oz meaty slicing tomatoes with clusters of fruits hold very well on the vine having great crack and sunburn resistance. 80 days.


What you'll get:

A healthy seedling 6-12" tall, hardened off and ready for planting. 

Tomatoes are very sensitive to cold temperatures. Do not plant unless we are past all threat of frost. 

Tomatoes can root all along their main stem. Plant them as deep as possible, even if you need to remove the bottommost set of leaves, to encourage a robust root system that can help support your plant. 

Indeterminate tomatoes continue growing throughout the entire season, producing tomatoes up until frost. I've had some grow up and over a 6 foot fence, and then nearly back down to the ground on the other side! Plan to provide them with some sort of support to keep them off the ground. Sprawling across the ground won't keep them from growing, but you're more likely to get damaged fruit from bugs or soil contact. 

Determinate tomatoes stay smaller and shorter, but still benefit from support because of their heavy fruit production. A standard tomato cage is usually a good choice. These plants usually produce all their fruit over a few weeks, rather than over the entire season. This is great for folks who like to preserve their crop, as you usually get a heavy yield all at once. 


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